History and Literature

List of Roman Authors

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Here we have gath­ered a list, a chronol­o­gy, of Roman authors who wrote in Latin from the 3rd cen­tu­ry B.C. to rough­ly the late 4th cen­tu­ry A.D. We’ve includ­ed a few short sen­tences about each author to give you a quick overview of who they were and what they wrote.

The list is divid­ed into cen­turies to make it eas­i­er to nav­i­gate. The authors are, as far as pos­si­ble, arranged after their birth year. If no birth year is known, but a year of death is, the author has been sort­ed after that in rela­tion to oth­er authors. If only a vague cen­tu­ry for the author’s active years is known, he/she has been sort­ed under that cen­tu­ry. If no exact years are known, but known con­tem­po­raries are, the author has been sort­ed in close vicin­i­ty of said con­tem­po­rary. At the end of the list, after the last cen­tu­ry, you will also find a cat­e­go­ry called “Unknown date.”

The list con­tains Roman authors who wrote works in Latin; those only writ­ing in Greek have been excluded.

Roman Authors Of The 3rd Century B.C. (299–200 B.C.)

Roman authors from the 3rd century B.C.

Lucius Livius Andron­i­cus, c.284‑c.205 B.C. 

Andron­i­cus was an epic poet orig­i­nal­ly from Greece who came to Rome as a slave. He trans­lat­ed Greek lit­er­a­ture to Latin but also wrote tragedies and come­dies. He has been con­sid­ered to be the father of Latin lit­er­a­ture. Only frag­ments sur­vive of his works. 

Gnaeus Nae­vius, c.270‑c.201 B.C. 

Nae­vius was an epic poet and playwriter/dramatist. He is famous for anger­ing the Metel­lus fam­i­ly with his satire and was ulti­mate­ly exiled from Rome. Only frag­ments sur­vive of his poems. 

Titus Mac­cius Plau­tus, c.254–184 B.C. 

Plau­tus was a play­wright from Sarsi­na in north­ern Italy. He wrote about 130 plays, out of which 20 have sur­vived. These plays are the ear­li­est Latin lit­er­ary works to have sur­vived his­to­ry in their entirety. 

Sug­gest­ed read­ing in Latin: The Life And Works Of Plau­tus (video in Latin)
Septem Locu­tiones Lati­nae ex Aul­u­lar­ia, Fab­u­la Plauti

Ennius,  239–169 B.C. 

Ennius was a writer and poet, as well as a Roman sol­dier from Rudi­ae in south­ern Italy. Ennius has been con­sid­ered the father of Roman poet­ry. There are unfor­tu­nate­ly only frag­ments left of his Annals, tragedies, and from his prose work Euhe­merus.

(You can learn more about Ennius in Chap­ter 1 of 2000 years of Latin Prose, or you can watch a video in Latin about him here.)

Cato Maior, 234–149 B.C. 

Cato Maior, also known as Cato the Elder was born as Mar­cus Por­cius Priscus. Cato was a Roman mil­i­tary, legal advi­sor, con­sul, and cen­sor, but was also a not­ed writer from Tus­cu­lum, Italy. He became famous for end­ing his speech­es with, “More­over, I advise that Carthage must be destroyed.” (You can learn more about him in Chap­ter 2 of 2000 years of Latin Prose.)

Cae­cil­ius Sta­tius c.220‑c.166 B.C. 

Cae­cil­ius Sta­tius was a com­ic poet who start­ed as a slave from Gaul. He was a friend of Ennius and was famous for adapt­ing Greek come­dies to Latin. We know of 42 of his works, but none sur­vive in its entire­ty. Frag­ments of his works main­ly come from Aulus Gel­lius’ (c. 125–180 A.D.) work Noctes Atti­cae.

Mar­cus Pacu­vius, c.220‑c.130 B.C. 

Pacu­vius was a trag­ic poet (and painter!) from Brun­di­s­i­um, Italy. Pacu­vius was the nephew of Ennius. Frag­ments of his work sur­vive in quotes from Cicero. 

Roman Authors Of The 2nd Century B.C. (199–100 B.C.)

Roman authors from the 2nd century B.C.

Gnaeus Gel­lius, lived dur­ing the 2nd cen­tu­ry B.C. 

Gnaeus Gel­lius was a his­to­ri­an who wrote a huge his­tor­i­cal work, Annales, in at least 97 books. Only frag­ments remain. 

Lucius Cas­sius Hem­i­na, lived dur­ing the 2nd cen­tu­ry B.C. 

Lucius Cas­sius Hem­i­na was an annal­ist who com­posed his Annales in four books from the found­ing of Rome to 146 B.C. Only frag­ments remain. 

Hostius, active dur­ing the 2nd cen­tu­ry B.C.

Hostius was a Roman epic poet and author of a poem believed to be about the Istric War of 129 B.C. span­ning over at least sev­en books. Now only frag­ments remain.

Gaius Sem­pro­nius Tudi­tanus, lived dur­ing the 2nd cen­tu­ry B.C.

Gaius Sem­pro­nius Tudi­tanus was a politi­cian, his­to­ri­an, and con­sul (in 129 B.C.) who wrote a trea­tise on Roman law, Lib­ri mag­i­s­tratu­um. Only frag­ments remain.

Pub­lius Ter­en­tius Afer c.195‑c.159 B.C.

Ter­en­tius, known to most as Ter­ence, was orig­i­nal­ly a slave brought to Rome by the sen­a­tor Ter­en­tius Lucanus who became a comedic play­wright. He died young, only hav­ing writ­ten six come­dies – all of which sur­vive to this day.

Sug­gest­ed read­ing and watch­ing: The Life And Works Of Terence

Cor­nelia, c.190s‑c.115 B.C.

Cor­nelia, also known as the moth­er of the Grac­chi, was the daugh­ter of Cor­nelius Sci­pio Africanus and moth­er of two of Rome’s famous politi­cians; Tiberius and Gaius Grac­chus. Cor­nelia wrote let­ters and frag­ments of them that might be authen­tic sur­vive with Cor­nelius Nepos’ work (c.110–24 B.C.).

You can learn more about Cor­nelia and her son Gaius Grac­chus in Chap­ter 3 of the Latin Anthol­o­gy 2000 years of Latin Prose

Lucius Calpurnius Piso Fru­gi, c.180 B.C.-? 

Calpurnius – not to be con­fused with oth­er men from the gens Calpur­nia shar­ing the same name that fol­lowed in his­to­ry – was a Roman con­sul and cen­sor and is thus some­times referred to as “Cen­sor­i­nus.” He was also a his­to­ri­an famous for his Annales in sev­en books, most of which are lost. 

Gaius Lucil­ius, c.180–103/2 B.C. 

Lucil­ius was a satirist belong­ing to the Roman eques­tri­an class. Only frag­ments remain of his works. 

Lucius Accius, or Attius, c. 170–90 B.C. 

Accius, or Attius, was a poet and play­wright from Pesare, Umbria, with a good rep­u­ta­tion in his own time for rework­ing Greek tragedies as well as writ­ing orig­i­nal plays. Titles and frag­ments of about 50 plays remain.

Pub­lius Sem­pro­nius Asel­lio, c. 158–91 B.C.

Pub­lius Sem­pro­nius Asel­lio was a mil­i­tary tri­bune and his­to­ri­an who wrote Rerum Ges­tarum Lib­ri, also known as His­to­ri­ae, in at least four­teen books. A few quotes from the work remain in oth­er authors’ works. 

Gaius Grac­chus, 154–121 B.C. 

Gaius Grac­chus was a famous ora­tor and tri­bune of the plebs, not­ed in his day for his pure and ele­gant Latin. Frag­ments from a few of his speech­es are still in existence.

(For more about Gaius Grac­chus, see Chap­ter 3 of the dig­i­tal Anthol­o­gy 2000 years of Latin Prose)

Lucius Coelius Antipa­ter, con­tem­po­rary of Gaius Grac­chus (154–121 B.C.)

Antipa­ter was a jurist, an ora­tor, and a his­to­ri­an who wrote annals and a his­to­ry of the Sec­ond Punic War. Only frag­ments of his works are extant.

Quin­tus Lutatius Cat­u­lus, 149–87 B.C.

Cat­u­lus was a con­sul, a gen­er­al, and an author who wrote a his­to­ry of his own con­sul­ship. He also wrote short poems and epi­grams, as well as an epic on the Cim­bri­an War. Only two of his epi­grams have been preserved. 

Valerius Aed­i­tu­us, con­tem­po­rary, and friend, of Quin­tus Lutatius Cat­u­lus (149–87 B.C.)

Aed­i­tu­us was a Roman poet who wrote erot­ic epi­grams that have been quot­ed and thus pre­served in Aulus Gel­lius’ (c.125–180 A.D.) work Noctes Atti­cae.

Aulus Furius Antias, con­tem­po­rary, and friend, of Quin­tus Lutatius Cat­u­lus (149–87 B.C.)

Aulus Furius Antias was a Roman poet. Lit­tle is known of him and his works, but a few lines from his work Annales were quot­ed by Mac­ro­bius (ear­ly 5th cen­tu­ry) in his work Sat­ur­na­lia.

Por­cius Lici­nus, con­tem­po­rary of Quin­tus Lutatius Cat­u­lus (149–87 B.C.) and Valerius Aedituus

Lici­nus was a Roman poet that we know next to noth­ing about. We have sev­en frag­ments from his work pre­served in Aulus Gel­lius’ (c.125–180 A.D.) work Noctes Atti­cae.

Titus Quinc­tius Atta, ?-77 B.C. 

Atta was a writer and poet. He wrote come­dies, and we have titles and frag­ments remain­ing of twelve of his plays. He also sup­pos­ed­ly wrote epigrams. 

Lucius Cor­nelius Sisen­na, c.120–67 B.C.

Sisen­na was a prae­tor and an annal­ist famous for sup­port­ing Emper­or Sul­la (reign 112–78 B.C.), fight­ing pirates under Pom­pey Mag­nus (106–48 B.C.), and hav­ing writ­ten the now, save for a few frag­ments, lost His­to­ri­ae

Valerius Antias, con­tem­po­rary of Sisen­na (c.120–67 B.C.) 

Valerius Antias was a Roman annal­ist who wrote the his­to­ry of Rome from Romu­lus and Remus to Sul­la (reign 112–78 B.C.) in at least 75 books. Though his work is no longer with us, he has been referred to by oth­er Roman his­to­ri­ans such as Livius (64/59 B.C.-17 A.D.) and Gel­lius (c.125–180 A.D.). 

Mar­cus Ter­en­tius Var­ro, 116–27 B.C. 

Var­ro was a Roman schol­ar and author, some­times referred to as Var­ro Reat­i­nus. It has been esti­mat­ed that Var­ro wrote more than 74 Latin works in a vari­ety of gen­res, such as lit­er­ary his­to­ry, rhetor­i­cal works, phi­los­o­phy, poet­ry, and his­to­ry. You can learn more about Var­ro, his life, and works in Chap­ter 8 of the Latin Anthol­o­gy 2000 years of Latin Prose

Tigel­lius,?-40 B.C.

Tigel­lius was a lyric poet from Sar­dinia. He was a con­tem­po­rary of Julius Cae­sar and Cicero;  the lat­ter men­tioned him in his let­ters. He is also men­tioned as a singer by Hor­atius in his Satires

Mar­cus Tul­lius Cicero, 106–43 B.C. 

Cicero was a Roman author, politi­cian, con­sul, lawyer, philoso­pher, one of antiquity’s great­est ora­tors, a dili­gent let­ter writer, and one of the most famous peo­ple in his­to­ry. We have a rather large body of Cicero’s works pre­served; 52 speech­es and sev­er­al works on rhetoric, pol­i­tics, and phi­los­o­phy, as well as 37 books of let­ters. Learn more about Cicero in Chap­ter 5 of 2000 years of Latin Prose.

Gaius Licinius Mac­er, con­tem­po­rary of Cicero (106–43 B.C.), died 66 B.C.  

Licinius Mac­er was a Roman annal­ist and prae­tor. Mac­er wrote a his­to­ry of Rome in 16 books, all of which are now lost. The work is ref­er­enced by both Livius, also known as Livy (64/59 B.C.-17 A.D.), and Mac­ro­bius  (ear­ly 5th cen­tu­ry). He com­mit­ted sui­cide in 66 B.C. after Cicero had him con­vict­ed of bribery and extortion. 

Lucius Luc­ceius, con­tem­po­rary of Cicero (106–43 B.C.)

Luc­ceius was an ora­tor and his­to­ri­an who wrote a his­to­ry of the Social and Civ­il Wars. He was also a let­ter-writ­ing friend of Cicero’s. 

Aulus Caeci­na Severus, con­tem­po­rary of Cicero (106–43 B.C.)

Aulus Caeci­na Severus was an author who wrote crit­i­cal texts against Julius Cae­sar and was ban­ished for them. He is famous for being defend­ed by Cicero (106–43 B.C.) in the speech Pro Caeci­na from 69 B.C. Cor­re­spon­dance between Cicero and Caeci­na is pre­served in Cicero’s Epis­tu­lae ad Famil­iares. There are also frag­ments of Caeci­nas sci­en­tif­ic work pre­served in Seneca the Younger’s (4 B.C.-65 A.D.) work Nat­u­rales Quaestiones.

Dec­imus Laberius, c. 105–43 B.C. 

Laberius was an author belong­ing to the Roman eques who wrote mimes. Frag­ments of his work survive. 

Mar­cus Furius Bibac­u­lus, 103 B.C -? 

Bibac­u­lus was a Roman poet from Cre­mona in north­ern Italy. He is famous for his satir­i­cal poems but also wrote a work in prose called Lucubra­tiones. He might also have been the author of an epic poem on Julius Caesar’s Gal­lic Wars. Frag­ments remain of his work. 

Gaius Julius Cae­sar, 100–44 B.C. 

Julius Cae­sar was a mil­i­tary gen­er­al, politi­cian, and dic­ta­tor. He was also a skilled ora­tor and an author, most not­ed for his accounts on war; De Bel­lo Gal­li­co and De Bel­lo Civile. Learn more about Cae­sar in Chap­ter 6 of 2000 years of Latin Prose.

Gaius Oppius, con­tem­po­rary of Julius Cae­sar (reign 49–44 B.C.)

Oppius took care of Julius Caesar’s affairs while he was not in Rome. He is some­times cred­it­ed to have writ­ten De Bel­lo Alexan­dri­no and alleged­ly wrote a mem­oir of Cae­sar and of the elder Sci­pio Africanus as well as a pam­phlet about Cleopatra’s son. Noth­ing, save for De Bel­lo Alexan­dri­no, sur­vives to this day. Learn more about De Bel­lo Alexan­dri­no in Chap­ter 7 of 2000 years of Latin Prose.

Mar­cus Acto­rius Naso, per­haps a con­tem­po­rary of Julius Cae­sar (reign 49–44 B.C.)

Acto­rius Naso sup­pos­ed­ly wrote a life of Julius Cae­sar, though almost noth­ing is known of this author. 

Lucius Cor­nelius Bal­bus, con­tem­po­rary of Julius Cae­sar (reign 49–44 B.C.) and Emper­or Augus­tus (reign 27 B.C.-14 A.D.)

Cor­nelius Bal­bus was a wealthy politi­cian from Gades (mod­ern Càdiz, Spain) who took care of Caesar’s affairs togeth­er with Oppius. He became con­sul in 40 B.C. Bal­bus kept a record of his and Caesar’s lives that is now lost. 

Gra­nius Flac­cus, con­tem­po­rary of Julius Cae­sar (reign 49–44 B.C.) and Emper­or Augus­tus (reign 27 B.C.-14 A.D.) 

Flac­cus was a Roman schol­ar and anti­quar­i­an. His work De indigi­ta­men­tis con­tain­ing prayer for­mu­la­ries was used by the Church Fathers as a source on Roman reli­gion. Gra­nius is also said to have writ­ten a work on sacred laws. Frag­ments remain of his work. 

Cor­nelius Nepos, 100–24 B.C. 

Cor­nelius Nepos was a Roman biog­ra­ph­er, author, and poet, and per­haps pub­lish­er, thought to have been a friend of Cicero and Cat­ul­lus. His prin­ci­pal work, De viribus illus­tribus, treat­ed famous Roman and for­eign men.

Roman Authors Of The 1st Century B.C. (99 B.C.-0)

Roman authors from the 1st century B.C.

Quin­tus Claudius Quadri­gar­ius, prob­a­bly lived dur­ing the 1st cen­tu­ry B.C.

Quadri­gar­ius was an annal­ist who wrote a his­to­ry of Rome, from the bat­tle of the Allia in 390 B.C. to Emper­or Sul­la (reign 112–78 B.C.). Frag­ments remain of his work.

Abro­nius Silo, active dur­ing the 1st cen­tu­ry B.C. 

Silo was a poet of whom almost noth­ing is known oth­er than that he was a stu­dent of the famous Roman rhetori­cian Mar­cus Por­cius Latro (?-4 B.C.). Two lines of hexa­m­e­ter sur­vive of his work.

Gnaeus Pom­peius Tro­gus, active dur­ing the 1st cen­tu­ry B.C.

Pom­peius Tro­gus, also known as Pom­pey Trogue, was a Roman his­to­ri­an famous for his work called His­to­ri­ae Philip­pi­cae et Totius Mun­di Orig­ines et Ter­rae Situs or Liber His­to­ri­arum Philip­pi­carum in 44 books. Excerps of this work is pre­served by oth­er authors. 

Lucius Afra­nius, begin­ning of the 1st cen­tu­ry B.C. 

Afra­nius was a play­wright who wrote come­dies. Lit­tle is known about his life, but we have titles of 42 of his come­dies along with a few frag­ments preserved. 

Vol­catius Sedig­i­tus, active around 100 B.C. 

Vol­catius Sedig­i­tus was a Roman poet and crit­ic who might have got­ten his cog­nomen Sedig­i­tus from hav­ing had six fin­gers on each hand. Lit­tle is known of him, but Pliny the Elder (23/24 ‑79 A.D.) wrote, in Nat­u­ralis His­to­ria, that he was dis­tin­guished in poet­ryA few frag­ments from Vol­catius’ work De Poet­is remain in Aulus Gel­lius’ (c. 125–180A.D.) Noctes Atti­cae. In these frag­ments, he ranked and cri­tiqued Roman com­e­dy authors. 

Lucius Pom­po­nius Bonon­ien­sis, flour­ished around 90 B.C 

Pom­po­nius Bonon­ien­sis (not to be con­fused with Pom­po­nius Secun­dus) was an author from Bologna, Italy, who wrote, to our knowl­edge, about 70 works. Most famous for tak­ing the so-called Atel­lan fables (a sort of masked com­e­dy) from impro­vised farces into real plays writ­ten in met­ric form. 

Quin­tus Novius, most like­ly a con­tem­po­rary of Lucius Pom­po­nius Bonon­ien­sis (fl. c. 90 B.C.)

Novius was the author of at least 43 Atel­lan fables (a sort of masked farce). Novius had the same ambi­tion as Pom­po­nius (see pre­vi­ous entry) of height­en­ing the pop­u­lar fables to ”real” plays. 

Lae­vius, per­haps active around 90–80 B.C.

Lae­vius was a poet about whom next to noth­ing is known. He might be the Lae­vius Melis­sus men­tioned by Sue­to­nius (Gram. 3) though it is not cer­tain. Lae­vius wrote lyrics on roman­tic themes in a work called Ero­topaeg­nia. About 60 lines have been preserved.

Titus Lucretius Carus,c.99‑c.55 B.C. 

Lucretius was a Roman poet and philoso­pher. He is known for his poem De rerum natu­ra that con­veys the ideas of Epi­cure­anism in about 7400 dactylic hexameters. 

Pub­lius Nigid­ius Figu­lus, c.98–45 B.C. 

Pub­lius Nigid­ius Figu­lus was a Roman politi­cian and schol­ar. He wrote a gram­mat­i­cal com­men­tary as well as works on the­ol­o­gy and sci­en­tif­ic and astro­log­i­cal works. His works only sur­vive as quotes by oth­er authors. 

Aulus Hir­tius, c.90–43 B.C.

Aulus Hir­tius was a legate of Julius Cae­sar, envoy to Pom­pey Mag­nus, and con­sul of Rome in 43 B.C. Hir­tius was also a mil­i­tary writer and added an 8th book to Caesar’s De Bel­lo Gal­li­co and is many times cred­it­ed to be the author of the pseu­do-Cae­sar­i­an work De Bel­lo Alexan­dri­no. Learn more about Hir­tius and De Bel­lo Alexan­dri­no in Chap­ter 7 of 2000 years of Latin Prose.

Gaius Sal­lustius Cris­pus, 86–35 B.C.

Sal­lustius Cris­pus, known most­ly as Sal­lustius or sim­ply Sal­lust, was a Roman politi­cian and his­to­ri­an. His main work, His­to­ri­ae, comes down to us as frag­ments. His most famous works, Bel­lum Jugurthinum, about the Jugur­tine war, and Bel­lum Catili­nae, about the Cati­line con­spir­a­cy, have sur­vived in their entirety.

Corni­fi­cia, c.85–40 B.C. 

Corni­fi­cia was a Roman poet­ess famous for writ­ing epi­grams. None of her work has sur­vived. She was the sis­ter of the poet and prae­tor Cornificius.

Quin­tus Cornifi­cius, ?-42 B.C. 

Cornifi­cius was the broth­er of the poet­ess Corni­fi­cia. He was a gen­er­al, an augur, a prae­tor, and a poet. He wrote a poem called Glau­cus, which is lost to us.

Publil­ius Syrus,c.85 B.C -? 

Publil­ius Syrus was a poet and author of mimes. He was ini­tial­ly a slave from Syr­ia brought to Rome and grant­ed free­dom. He is most famous for his col­lec­tion of sen­ten­ti­ae – about 700 lines of verse – which is also all that we have left of his work. 

Gaius Valerius Cat­ul­lus, c.84‑c.54 B.C. 

Cat­ul­lus was a poet from Verona in north­ern Italy who is famous for his per­son­al poems. Espe­cial­ly renowned are those that speak of his love for a cer­tain ”Les­bia.” 116 of his poems have been pre­served in an anthology. 

Anser, con­tem­po­rary of Mar­cus Anto­nius (83 B.C.-30 B.C.)

Anser was a poet of whom lit­tle is known. He was a friend of Mar­cus Anto­nius and sup­pos­ed­ly wrote indel­i­cate poems. 

Gaius Mem­mius, ?-c. 49 B.C. 

Mem­mius was a tri­bune of the plebs, a prae­tor, a gov­er­nor, an ora­tor, and a poet. He is most famous for being ded­i­cat­ed Lucretius’ work De rerum natu­ra. Mem­mius him­self wrote erot­ic poems and was a close friend of the poets Cat­u­lus and Helvius Cin­na (see below). Mem­mius died in exile in Greece around 49 B.C. after hav­ing been con­demned for ille­gal prac­tices at the elec­tion for the consulship. 

Gaius Licinius Mac­er Calvus, 82‑c.47 B.C.

Mac­er was an ora­tor and a poet, as well as a friend of Cat­ul­lus. We know of 21 speech­es of his but only have frag­ments left. 

Gaius Helvius Cin­na, con­tem­po­rary and friend, of Cat­ul­lus (c.84‑c.54 B.C.) and Calvus (82‑c.47 B.C.)

Cin­na was a Roman poet famous for his mytho­log­i­cal epic poem Zmyr­na. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the poem has not survived.

Pub­lius Ter­en­tius Var­ro Atac­i­nus, 82‑c.35 B.C.

Pub­lius Ter­en­tius Var­ro Atac­i­nus is not to be con­fused with the slight­ly old­er Mar­cus Ter­en­tius Var­ro also known as Var­ro Reat­i­nus. Var­ro Atac­i­nus was a Roman poet from south­ern Gaul. He is known for a poem about one of Caesar’s cam­paigns, Bel­lum sequanicum. He also wrote satires, epi­grams and trans­lat­ed Apol­lo­nius Rhodius’ Arg­onau­ti­ca into Latin. Only frag­ments remain of his works. 

Mar­cus Vit­ru­vius Pol­lio, 80/70–15 B.C. 

Vit­ru­vius Pol­lio was a Roman author, archi­tect and engi­neer spe­cial­ized in the con­struc­tion of war machines for sieges. He is famous for his trea­tise De Archi­tec­tura in ten books about, among oth­er things, archi­tec­ture, nat­ur­al his­to­ry, and Roman build­ing tech­niques. The work is extant.

Gaius Asinius Pol­lio, 75 B.C.-4 A.D. 

Asinius Pol­lio was a con­sul, mil­i­tary com­man­der, poet, his­to­ri­an, ora­tor, and patron of poets such as Vergilius and Hor­atius. He is famous for found­ing the first pub­lic library in Rome and for his his­tor­i­cal work about the civ­il wars. This work, though lost to us, was used as a source by lat­er his­to­ri­ans. Pol­lio also wrote tragedies and speeches. 

Gaius Cas­sius Par­men­sis, c. 74–31/30 B.C.

Cas­sius Par­men­sis was a Roman politi­cian and writer. He was also part of the assas­si­na­tion of Julius Cae­sar. He wrote tragedies, satires, ele­gies, and epi­grams. Noth­ing of his has survived. 

Lucius Var­ius Rufus, c. 74–14 B.C. 

Rufus was a Roman poet and friend of Vergilius and Hor­atius. He wrote an epic poem called De Morte and a tragedy called Thyestes. Frag­ments of his works sur­vive. He was also one of two who helped pub­lish Vergilius’ Aeneid, Plotius Tuc­ca being the oth­er (see below).

Gaius Cor­nelius Gal­lus, c. 70–26 B.C. 

Cor­nelius Gal­lus was a poet, ora­tor, and pre­fect of Egypt. He was con­sid­ered the first ele­giac poet of Rome by Ovid and wrote four books of ele­gies. Only a few frag­ments sur­vive of his poems.

Pub­lius Vergilius Maro, 70–19 B.C. 

Vergilius – known to most as Vir­gil or Vergil –  was one of Rome’s most cel­e­brat­ed poets and author of one of the most famous epic poems in his­to­ry: the Aeneid, a poem he him­self want­ed to be burned after his death as he was not yet fin­ished. Emper­or Augus­tus instead, thank­ful­ly, ordered the poem to be published. 

Plotius Tuc­ca, con­tem­po­rary of Vergilius (70–19 B.C. )

Plotius Tuc­ca was a poet and a friend of Vergilius and Mae­ce­nas. He was sup­pos­ed­ly one of two who helped pub­lish Vergilius’ Aeneid, Var­ius Rufus (c. 74–14 B.C.) being the oth­er (see above)Of his own work, we know nothing. 

Aemil­ius Mac­er,?-16 B.C.

Mac­er was a didac­tic poet from Verona, north­ern Italy, who wrote two poems: Ornithogo­nia about birds and The­ri­aca about anti­dotes for the poi­son of ser­pents. He might have also writ­ten a botan­i­cal work. 

Gaius Cil­nius Mae­ce­nas, c. 70 B.C.-8 B.C.

Mae­ce­nas is most famous for his patron­age of young poets (hence the word “mece­nate”) such as Vergilius, Hor­atius, and Prop­er­tius. Mae­ce­nas was also friend and advi­sor to Octa­vian, the future Emper­or Augus­tus (reign 27 B.C.-14 A.D.), and an author writ­ing both prose and poet­ry. A few frag­ments of his works remain.

Gaius Mae­ce­nas Melis­sus, con­tem­po­rary of G. Cil­nius Mae­ce­nas (c. 70 B.C‑8 B.C.) 

Mae­ce­nas Melis­sus was a freed­man of Gaius Cil­nius Mae­ce­nas, hence the name. Melis­sus is main­ly famous for invent­ing the so-called fab­u­la tra­bea­ta, or “tales of the knights” a type of com­e­dy rep­re­sent­ing the eques­tri­an class. He also com­piled jokes and might have been a gram­mar­i­an, but noth­ing of his survives. 

Gaius Val­gius Rufus, con­tem­po­rary of G. Cil­nius Mae­ce­nas (c. 70 B.C‑8 B.C.)

Val­gius Rufus was a poet, writer, con­sul and friend of Hor­atius and Mae­ce­nas. He wrote ele­gies and epi­grams and was very high­ly thought of by his con­tem­po­raries. He also trans­lat­ed a rhetor­i­cal man­u­al and began a trea­tise on med­i­c­i­nal plants.

Quin­tus Hor­atius Flac­cus, 65–8 B.C. 

Hor­atius – Horace to most – from Venu­sia in south­ern Italy, was a sol­dier and a sen­a­tor, but he was most­ly famous – both now and in his own time – as a lyric poet. He wrote satires, epis­tles, a col­lec­tion of four books of lyric poems called Odes or Carmi­na, and Ars Poet­i­ca, a poem about the art of poetry. 

Domi­tius Mar­sus, con­tem­po­rary of Hor­atius Flac­cus (65–8 B.C.)

Mar­sus was a poet who wrote a col­lec­tion of epi­grams called Cicu­ta, an epi­taph on the death of Tibul­lus, ele­giac poems, and an epic poem. Only frag­ments of his works survive. 

Mar­cus Valerius Mes­sal­la Corv­i­nus, 64 B.C.-8 A.D.

Corv­i­nus was a Roman gen­er­al, ora­tor and poet, and patron of poets such as Tibul­lus and Sulpi­cia. He was a friend with Horace and acquaint­ed with Ovid. Corv­i­nus’ own works have all been lost. 

Gaius Julius Hygi­nus, c. 64 B.C.-17 A.D. 

Hygi­nus was a dili­gent author and freed­man of Augus­tus and super­in­ten­dent of the Pala­tine library. Hygi­nus wrote com­men­taries on Helvius Cin­na and Vergilius, essays on agri­cul­ture, topo­graph­i­cal and bio­graph­i­cal trea­tis­es. All these are lost to us. How­ev­er, we do have what might be school notes from his work on mythol­o­gy and astron­o­my; Fab­u­lae and De Astro­nom­i­ca, also known as Poet­i­con Astro­nom­i­con

Titus Livius, 64/59 B.C.-17 A.D. 

Livius – known to most as Livy – was an author most famous as a his­to­ri­an from his work Ab Urbe Con­di­ta which goes through Roman his­to­ry from the begin­ning in 753 B.C. all the way to Livy’s own life­time. About a fourth of the work sur­vives. Livy also wrote rhetor­i­cal and philo­soph­i­cal works and dia­logues; how­ev­er, noth­ing of this has survived. 

Bav­ius, time of Emper­or Augus­tus (reign 27 B.C.-14 A.D)  

Bav­ius’ name goes hand in hand with the poet Mae­vius (see below) as these two poets are named togeth­er in Virgil’s Eclogues. We do not know whether or not Bav­ius was a real or a fic­tion­al poet, but his name became syn­ony­mous with bad poetry. 

Cin­cius, active dur­ing the reign of Emper­or Augus­tus (27 B.C.-14 A.D.)

Cin­cius – not to be con­fused with annal­ist Lucius Cin­cius Ali­men­tus from 200 B.C. (who wrote in Greek) – was an anti­quar­i­an writer. Noth­ing of his has sur­vived though both Livy and Fes­tus quot­ed him. 

Titus Labi­enus, flour­ished dur­ing the reign of Emper­or Augus­tus (27 B.C. – 14 A.D.)

Titus Labi­enus – not to be con­fused with Julius Caesar’s legate T. Labi­enus – was a his­to­ri­an and ora­tor famous for his con­tro­ver­sial writ­ings. Labe­nius killed him­self when he was found guilty of trea­son (through harm­ing the state with his texts), and his works were sen­tenced to burn. 

Mae­vius, or Mevius, time of Emper­or Augus­tus (reign 27 B.C.-14 A.D)

Mae­vius’ name goes togeth­er with the poet Bav­ius (see above) as the two were named togeth­er in Virgil’s Eclogues. Mae­vius is also the tar­get of Horace’s tenth Epode where Mae­vius is called “stink­ing.” Mae­vius, as Bav­ius, might have been a fic­tion­al poet. 

Gaius Matius, active dur­ing the reign of Emper­or Augus­tus (27 B.C.-14 A.D.)

Matius was a friend and assis­tant of Emper­or Augus­tus and wrote a work in three vol­umes on gas­tron­o­my. This work is sad­ly lost to us. 

Gaius Rabir­ius, prob­a­bly lived dur­ing the age of Emper­or Augus­tus (reign 27 B.C.-14 A.D.)

Gaius Rabir­ius, not to be con­fused with the sen­a­tor with the same name, was a poet who is believed to be the author of a poem about the final bat­tle between Mar­cus Anto­nius and Octa­vianus (Augus­tus) and the death of Cleopa­tra. Frag­ments of this poem have been found at Her­cu­la­neum. As a poet, Rabir­ius was appre­ci­at­ed by oth­er Romans, such as Velleius Pater­cu­lus (c. 19 B.C.- c. 31 A.D.) and Quin­til­ianus (c. 35‑c. 100 A.D.). 

Cor­nelius Severus, active dur­ing the reign of Emper­or Augus­tus (27 B.C.-14 A.D.) 

Cor­nelius Severus was an epic poet who sup­pos­ed­ly wrote about the Sicil­ian Wars and a long poem about Rome’s ancient kings. No com­plete work of his has sur­vived, but some quotes are pre­served in the works of oth­er authors.

Grattius/Gratius Falis­cus, 63 B.C‑14 A.D. 

Grat­tius was a poet famous for a poem on hunt­ing called Cynegeti­con, out of which we have 541 lines of hexa­m­e­ter pre­served in a man­u­script from about 800 A.D. 

Albius Tibul­lus, c. 55‑c. 19 B.C. 

Tibul­lus was a poet who wrote ele­gies. He was part of the lit­er­ary cir­cle sur­round­ing his patron Corv­i­nus. His first and sec­ond books have sur­vived history.

Sulpi­cia, con­tem­po­rary of Tibul­lus (c. 55‑c. 19 B.C.) and Corv­i­nus (64 B.C.-8 A.D.) 

Sulpi­cia was per­haps the niece of Mes­sal­la Corv­i­nus (64 B.C.-8 A.D.) and is believed to have writ­ten six ele­giac poems mak­ing her one of few female authors in Roman his­to­ry. The poems have been argued to have been writ­ten by Tibullus. 

Mar­cus Ver­rius Flac­cus, c. 55 B.C.-20 A.D.  

Flac­cus was a Roman gram­mar­i­an and philol­o­gist who tutored the grand­sons of Emper­or Augus­tus. He is most famous for his work De ver­bo­rum sig­ni­fi­catu, but he also wrote an ency­clo­pe­dic work and a work on Roman rit­u­al. Only lat­er sum­maries remain of his works. 

Seneca Maior, c. 55. B.C.-39 A.D. 

Seneca Maior was born Lucius Annaeus Seneca and is also known as Seneca the Elder or Seneca the Rhetori­cian. Seneca Maior was a rhetori­cian and writer from Cór­do­ba, Spain.  He wrote down his expe­ri­ences with rhetoric at the request of his sons in a work called Ora­to­rum et rheto­rum sen­ten­ti­ae, divi­siones, col­ores. Much of it sur­vives to this day. Seneca also wrote a his­to­ry of Rome, although this work is lost to us.

Fen­estel­la, c. 52 B.C.-c. 19 A.D.? 

Fen­estel­la was a Roman his­to­ri­an of whose work, Annales, only frag­ments remain. 

Sex­tus Prop­er­tius, c.50/45-after 15 B.C. 

Prop­er­tius was an ele­giac poet from Assisi. He was a friend of Gal­lus and Vergil and famous for his four books of ele­gies, main­ly focus­ing on his love for a woman he calls ”Cyn­thia.”

Pub­lius Ovid­ius Naso, 43 B.C.-17/18 A.D. 

Ovid­ius – known to most Eng­lish speak­ers as Ovid – was a Roman poet. He was very pop­u­lar in his own time but was mys­te­ri­ous­ly sent into exile by Emper­or Augus­tus due to what he him­self called car­men et error – “a poem and a mis­take.” He is today most famous for his epic Meta­mor­phoses and his ele­giac Ars Ama­to­ria

Albi­no­vanus Pedo, con­tem­po­rary of Ovid­ius (43 B.C.-17/18 A.D.) 

Albi­no­vanus Pedo wrote an epic poem about the deeds of Ger­man­i­cus, Nero’s son, out of which a frag­ment remains. He also wrote epi­grams, though none of these survive. 

A. Cor­nelius Cel­sus, c. 25 B.C.-c. 50 A.D.

Cel­sus was the author of an ency­clo­pe­dia. The only remain­ing part is De Med­i­c­i­na, a sec­tion about every­thing med­i­c­i­nal from the his­to­ry of med­i­cine to diet, surgery, and pharmacy. 

Clu­to­rius Priscus, c. 20 B.C.-21 A.D.

Priscus was a poet who wrote a pan­e­gyric, a sort of eulo­gy, for Ger­man­i­cus, the nephew and adopt­ed son of Emper­or Tiberius. Priscus died in 21 A.D. due to the sec­ond pan­e­gyric he wrote. This one was for the Emperor’s son Drusus Julius Cae­sar. How­ev­er, Priscus wrote it when Drusus was ill – not dead as Ger­man­i­cus had been. Drusus sur­vived his ill­ness, and the exis­tence of the poem was regard­ed with harsh eyes. Priscus was tried for a cap­i­tal offense by the Sen­ate and was sen­tenced to death.

Mar­cus Velleius Pater­cu­lus, c.19 B.C.-31 A.D.  

Velleius Pater­cu­lus was a his­to­ri­an, mil­i­tary tri­bune, and quaestor of Rome. He is famous for his His­to­ri­ae about the peri­od from the end of the Tro­jan War to the death of Augus­tus’ wife Livia Drus­cil­la in 29 A.D.

Gaius Julius Phae­drus, c. 15 B.C.-54 A.D.

Phae­drus was a Roman fab­u­list famous for turn­ing Aesop’s Greek fables into Latin iambic metre. 

Quin­tus Asco­nius Pedi­anus, c. 9 B.C.-c. 76 A.D. 

Asco­nius Pedi­anus was a Roman his­to­ri­an. He wrote com­men­taries of Cicero’s pub­lished and unpub­lished speech­es, of var­i­ous his­tor­i­cal writer’s works, and much more for his sons. Parts of five of the com­men­taries for Cicero’s speech­es remain. 

Seneca Minor, c. 4 B.C.-65 A.D.  

Seneca Minor or Lucius Annaeus Seneca, known as Seneca the Younger or sim­ply Seneca, born in Cór­do­ba, Spain, was the son of Seneca Maior. He was an author and philoso­pher whose most impor­tant and pop­u­lar work is his col­lec­tion of let­ters on morals and ethics. 

Lucil­ius Junior, con­tem­po­rary of Seneca Minor (c. 4 B.C.-65 A.D.)

Lucil­ius Junior was a poet, a procu­ra­tor of Sici­ly, and a friend of Seneca Minor whose Epis­tu­lae Morales ad Lucil­i­um are addressed to Lucil­ius. Lucil­ius might have been the author of a poem named Aet­na, though this has been disputed. 

Mar­cus Anti­s­tius Labeo, 1st cen­tu­ry B.C.-10/11 A.D. 

Labeo was a Roman jurist and prae­tor who wrote works about the law and a col­lec­tion of legal prepositions.

Aulus Cre­mu­tius Cor­dus, ?-25 A.D. 

Cre­mu­tius Cor­dus was a his­to­ri­an whose works were ordered by the Sen­ate to be burned after he had been accused of trea­son. Cordius him­self was forced to sui­cide. Cordius’ daugh­ter, Mar­cia, saved his works so that they could be re-pub­lished lat­er on. Today we have a few frag­ments about the civ­il war and the reign of Augus­tus left. 

Titus Cas­sius Severus, 1st cen­tu­ry B.C.-32 A.D.

Severus was a teacher of rhetoric. He was exiled from Rome for writ­ings in which he attacked Rome’s elite and the abuse of the gov­ern­ment. His works were banned after his death, then repub­lished under Emper­or Caligu­la. Frag­ments sur­vive of his court speeches. 

Gnaeus Cor­nelius Lentu­lus Gae­tuli­cus, ?-39 A.D. 

Gae­tuli­cus was a Roman gen­er­al, sen­a­tor, and con­sul who was also a writer and per­haps a poet. He wrote mem­oirs that both Sue­to­nius (69–122 A.D.) and Tac­i­tus (c. 55–120 A.D) used as a source for their own works. Gae­tuli­cus also wrote erot­ic verse. He was exe­cut­ed dur­ing the reign of Emper­or Caligula. 

Servil­ius Non­i­anus, ?-59 A.D.  

Non­i­anus was a Roman sen­a­tor, con­sul, and his­to­ri­an whose his­to­ry of Rome was con­sid­ered a great ref­er­ence work by lat­er Roman his­to­ri­ans such as Tac­i­tus (c. 56-c120 A.D.) and Quin­til­ianus (c. 35‑c.100 A.D.). The work is now lost. 

Alphius Avi­tus, lived per­haps dur­ing the reigns of Emper­ors Augus­tus (27 B.C. – 14 A.D.) and Tiberius (14–37 A.D.)

Alphius Avi­tus was a Roman poet that we know very lit­tle about, save for that he wrote a work called “illus­tri­ous Men”. Only a few frag­ments remain. 

Roman Authors Of The 1st Century A.D. (1–99 A.D.)

Roman authors from the 1st century A.D.

Aufid­ius Bas­sus, lived dur­ing the reign of Emper­or Tiberius (14–37 A.D.)

To our knowl­edge, Bas­sus was a his­to­ri­an who wrote two his­tor­i­cal works; Bel­lum Ger­ma­ni­u­cum and a his­to­ry span­ning, prob­a­bly, from the civ­il wars to the assas­si­na­tion of Julius Cae­sar in 44 B.C. Frag­ments remain. 

Valerius Max­imus, lived dur­ing the reign of Emper­or Tiberius (14–37 A.D.) 

Valerius Max­imus was a Roman writer famous for his work about mem­o­rable deeds, say­ings, and his­tor­i­cal anecdotes. 

Aelius Sat­urn­i­nus, con­tem­po­rary with Emper­or Tiberius (reign 14–37 A.D.)

Aelius Sat­urn­i­nus was a Roman poet famous for being found guilty by the sen­ate for hav­ing recit­ed some less prop­er poems about Emper­or Tiberius and sen­tenced to death by being thrown off the Tarpeian Rock on the Capitol. 

Quin­tus Cur­tius Rufus might have lived dur­ing the reign of Emper­or Claudius (reign 41–54 A.D.) 

Cur­tius Rufus was a Roman his­to­ri­an that we know very lit­tle about. He wrote the His­to­ries of Alexan­der the Great

Mar­cus Clu­vius Rufus, lived dur­ing the reigns of Emper­ors Caligu­la (37–41 A.D.), Claudius (41–54 A.D.) and Nero (54–68 A.D) 

Clu­vius Rufus was a Roman con­sul, sen­a­tor, gov­er­nor of His­pania, and his­to­ri­an whose lost work relat­ed events dur­ing his own life­time and was a great source for Tac­i­tus’ and Sue­to­nius’ works. 

Fabius Rus­ti­cus, con­tem­po­rary of Emper­ors Claudius (reign 41–54 A.D.) and Nero ( reign 54–68 A.D) 

Rus­ti­cus was a his­to­ri­an who relat­ed events dur­ing his own life­time, espe­cial­ly events dur­ing Nero. Lit­tle else is known about his works as noth­ing remains but quotes found in Tac­i­tus’ Annals

Gaius Licinius Mucianus, lived dur­ing the reigns of Emper­ors Claudius (41–54 A.D.), Nero (54–68 A.D), Gal­ba (68–69 A.D.), and Ves­pasianus (69–79 A.D.) 

Mucianus was a Roman gen­er­al, con­sul, gov­er­nor, and writer who wrote a work about the nat­ur­al his­to­ry and geog­ra­phy of the East, as well as a col­lec­tion of speech­es and let­ters from the repub­li­can era. 

Scri­bo­nius Largus, c. 1‑c. 50 A.D. 

Lat­gus was the physi­cian at Emper­or Claudius’ (reign 41–54 A.D) court. He was also the author of a work called De com­po­si­tione medica­men­to­rum liber which is a long list of 271 med­ical prescriptions.

Lucius Junius Mod­er­a­tus Col­umel­la, 4‑c.70 A.D. 

Col­umel­la, who was prob­a­bly born in Cádiz, Spain, was a mil­i­tary man and tri­bune in Syr­ia turned farmer. He wrote about agri­cul­ture and trees in his De Re Rus­ti­ca (12 vol­umes) and De arboribus

Gaius Valerius Flac­cus, ?- c. 90 A.D. 

Valerius Flac­cus was a poet who wrote an epic poem called Arg­onau­ti­ca in dactylic hexa­m­e­ter recount­ing Jason’s quest for the Gold­en fleece. The text was lost until 1411, when about half of it was re-discovered. 

Saleius Bas­sus, con­tem­po­rary of Gaius Valerius Flac­cus (?-c. 90 A.D.)

Bas­sus was an epic poet whose style was cel­e­brat­ed by oth­er Romans, such as Quin­til­ianus and Tac­i­tus. The lat­ter referred to him as the “ide­al poet” in his Dia­lo­gus. None of Bas­sus’ works has sur­vived history.

Mar­cus Valerius Probus or Mar­cus Valerius Probus Bery­tius, c. 20/30–105 A.D. 

Valerius Probus – also known as Probus the Bery­t­ian – was a gram­mar­i­an who wrote crit­i­cisms on works by Hor­atius, Lucretius, Ter­en­tius, Vergilius, and Per­sius. He also wrote a trea­tise called De notis that sur­vives to this day.

Plin­ius Maior or Gaius Plin­ius Secun­dus, c. 23/24–79 A.D. 

Plin­ius Maior, more com­mon­ly known as Pliny the Elder, was an author, a nat­ur­al philoso­pher, and a com­man­der of the fleet. He is most famous for his Nat­u­ralis His­to­ria, a sort of ency­clo­pe­dia divid­ed into 37 books into 10 vol­umes. The work, cov­er­ing every­thing from min­ing to math­e­mat­ics, agri­cul­ture to astron­o­my, paint­ing, and phys­i­ol­o­gy is the largest Roman work to sur­vive today. Pliny the Elder died on a res­cue mis­sion as Mount Vesu­vius erupt­ed in 79 A.D.

Pub­lius Calvi­sius Sabi­nus Pom­po­nius Secun­dus, con­tem­po­rary of Plin­ius Maior (c. 23/24–79 A.D) 

Pom­po­nius Secun­dus was a poet, a con­sul, and a gov­er­nor of Ger­ma­nia Supe­ri­or. He wrote a tragedy called Aeneas, of which a few lines still sur­vive to this day. 

Gaius Cae­sius Bas­sus, ?-79 A.D. 

Cae­sius Bas­sus, not to be con­fused with Saleius Bas­sus (see above), was a poet high­ly thought of by his con­tem­po­raries. He wrote lyric poet­ry as well as a trea­tise called De Metris. Parts of the trea­tise sur­vive. Cae­sius Bas­sus prob­a­bly died when Mount Vesu­vius erupted. 

Tiberius Catius Asco­nius Sil­ius Itali­cus, c. 23/35- c. 101/103 A.D. 

Sil­ius Itali­cus was a Roman con­sul and ora­tor. He is famous for his epos Puni­ca in 17 books about the Sec­ond Punic War, which is the longest sur­viv­ing poem in Latin. 

Gaius Petro­n­ius Arbiter, c. 27–66 A.D. 

Petro­n­ius was a con­sul, gov­er­nor, and advi­sor (or rather “a judge of ele­gance”) to Emper­or Nero (reign 54–68 A.D). He is most famous for being the author of one of few Latin nov­els from antiq­ui­ty: Satyri­con. The Satyri­con does not sur­vive in its entire­ty, but large sec­tions of it do mak­ing it the sec­ond most ful­ly pre­served Roman nov­el after Apuleius’ The Gold­en Ass. Petro­n­ius end­ed his own life after hav­ing been accused of trea­son. Learn more by watch­ing this video in Latin about Petro­n­ius.

Aulus Per­sius Flac­cus, 34–62 A.D.

Per­sius Flac­cus, com­mon­ly referred to as Per­sius, was a poet and satirist from Volter­ra, Italy. He is famous for his col­lec­tion of Satires that were pub­lished posthumously. 

Mar­cus Fabius Quin­til­ianus, c. 35‑c.96/100 A.D. 

Quin­til­ianus, more com­mon­ly known as Quin­til­ian, was a rhetori­cian from Cala­hor­ra, Spain. Quin­til­ian opened a pub­lic school of rhetoric and could count Pliny the Younger as one of his stu­dents. He also became a con­sul and wrote a text­book on rhetoric, Insti­tu­tio Oratoria.

Mar­cus Valerius Mar­tialis , c. 38/41–102/104 A.D. 

Mar­tialis, known as Mar­tial to Eng­lish speak­ers, was a poet from Augus­ta Bil­bilis, mod­ern Calatayud, Spain. He is famous for his Epi­grams – 12 books with short satir­i­cal poems.

Mar­cus Annaeus Lucanus, 39–65 A.D. 

Lucanus, known as Lucan, was a Roman poet from Cor­du­ba who is famous for his epic poem Pharsalia. He was a friend of Emper­or Nero (reign 54–68 A.D), but the friend­ship turned sour, and Lucan joined the con­spir­a­cy of Piso against Nero and was, as the con­spir­a­cy was dis­cov­ered, forced to com­mit suicide.

Sex­tus Julius Fron­ti­nus, c. 40–103 A.D. 

Fron­ti­nus was a Roman civ­il engi­neer, gen­er­al, con­sul, and author. He wrote a tech­ni­cal trea­tise, or rather a report, De aquae­duc­tu or De aquis urbis Romae, about the aque­ducts of Rome. The report con­sists of two books and is extant. Fron­ti­nus’ also wrote a work on mil­i­tary tac­tics called Stratege­ma­ta that is now lost to us. 

Pub­lius Pap­inius Sta­tius, 45–96 A.D. 

Sta­tius was a poet from Naples, known for his sur­viv­ing epic poem The­baid in 12 books as well as the Sil­vae and the unfin­ished book on the life of Achilles, Achilleid. 

Dec­imus Junius Juve­nalis, c. 55 A.D‑2nd century. 

Juve­nalis, known as Juve­nal, was a poet and satirist from Aquino, who was the author of the famous col­lec­tion of satir­i­cal poems called Satires. Juve­nal was exiled from Rome for insult­ing an actor with a lot of influ­ence high­er up in the hierarchy. 

Cor­nelius Tac­i­tus, c. 55/56–120 A.D. 

Tac­i­tus was a Roman con­sul and gov­er­nor, author, and one of antiquity’s most famous his­to­ri­ans. His major works are his Annales, also known as Ab exces­su divi Augusti, his De orig­ine et situ Ger­mano­rum, and His­to­ri­ae. He also wrote a dia­logue about elo­quence and a biog­ra­phy of his father-in-law, the famous gen­er­al Agri­co­la (40–93 A.D.).

Curi­atius Mater­nus, con­tem­po­rary of Tac­i­tus (c. 55–120 A.D.) 

Mater­nus was a Roman play­wright and author of tragedies such as Domi­tius, Medea and Cato.

Plin­ius Minor or Gaius Plin­ius Cae­cil­ius Secun­dus, 61/62–113 A.D. 

Plin­ius Minor, more com­mon­ly known as Pliny the Younger, was the nephew of Plin­ius Maior. He held many Roman offices such as con­sul, augur, and impe­r­i­al gov­er­nor, but is most­ly famous for his writ­ing – speech­es, poems, etc., but espe­cial­ly for his let­ters, of which 247 survive. 

Gaius Sue­to­nius Tran­quil­lus, c. 69-after 122 A.D. 

Sue­to­nius Tran­quil­lus, most­ly known as sim­ply Sue­to­nius, was a Roman writer and biog­ra­ph­er, and a close friend of Pliny the Younger. He served as a sec­re­tary under Emper­ors Tra­janus (reign 98–117 A.D.) and Hadri­anus (reign 117–138 A.D.). He is most famous for his De vita Cae­sarum or The life of the Cae­sars, a biog­ra­phy of the Roman Empire’s first lead­ers. Sue­to­nius wrote sev­er­al oth­er works – a few are extant – such as De Viris Illus­tribus. Most of his works though are unfor­tu­nate­ly lost.

Florus, c. 74–130 A.D. 

Florus was a his­to­ri­an, a poet, and a rhetori­cian. How­ev­er, there are three dif­fer­ent names attached to the name Florus: Lucius Annaeus Florus, Julius Florus, and Pub­lius Annius Florus. These might have been three dif­fer­ent men, but they might also have been one and the same. 

Pub­lius Annius Florus wrote a work called Vir­gilius ora­tor an poeta, a dia­logue about whether Vir­gil was an ora­tor or a poet. The work itself is lost, but the intro­duc­tion to it remains. In it we are told the name of the author as Pub­lius Annius Florus and that he was born in Africa around 74 A.D., came to Rome, left Rome for trav­els, then became a teacher of rhetoric in Tar­ra­co (mod­ern Tar­rag­o­na, Spain) only to return again to Rome. We are also told that he was a friend of Emper­or Hadri­anus (117–138 A.D.) who was a fan of his poems. He died in 130 A.D. 

The poet­ic works De quati­late vitae (26 tetram­e­ters remain) and De rosis (5 hexa­m­e­ters remain) are attrib­uted to Pub­lius Annius Florus. 

Lucius Annaeus Florus was the author of the extant epit­o­me of Roman his­to­ry called Epit­o­me de T. Liv­io Bel­lo­rum omni­um anno­rum DCC Lib­ri duo that cov­ered the foun­da­tion of Rome to the clos­ing of the tem­ple of Janus in 25 B.C. in two books. In the man­u­scripts of this epit­o­me, the author is named either Julius Florus, Lucius Anneus Florus or Annaeus Florus. From sim­i­lar­i­ties in style, the his­to­ri­an Julius Florus/Lucius Annaeus Florus has been iden­ti­fied as the poet and rhetori­cian Pub­lius Annius Florus. 

Sulpi­cia, lived dur­ing the reign of Emper­or Domi­tianus (reign 81–96 AD) 

Sulpi­cia was a Roman poet­ess writ­ing erot­ic and satir­i­cal poet­ry, known most­ly through Mar­tialis. A 70 line hexa­m­e­ter poem and two lines of iambic trime­ter attrib­uted to Sulpi­cia sur­vives. How­ev­er, the hexa­m­e­ter poem is now believed to be a lat­er imi­ta­tion of Sulpi­cia. She is not to be con­fused with Sulpi­cia the ele­giac poet­ess con­tem­po­rary with Tibullus. 

Hygi­nus Gro­mati­cus, active dur­ing the reign of Emper­or Tra­janus (reign 98–117  A.D.) 

Hygi­nus Gro­mati­cus wrote about land sur­vey­ing and bound­aries in his work De lim­itibus con­stituendis. Frag­ments remain. A work on Roman camp for­ti­fi­ca­tions was pre­vi­ous­ly attrib­uted to Gro­mati­cus, but is now believed to be of a lat­er date. 

Titus Anni­anus, con­tem­po­rary of Emper­ors Tra­janus (reign 98–117 A.D.) and Hadri­anus (reign 117–138 A.D.) 

Anni­anus was a poet known to us main­ly through Aulus Gel­lius’ (c. 125/128–180 A.D.) Attic Nights. A few frag­ments remain of his work.

Roman Authors Of The 2nd Century A.D. (100–199 A.D.)

Roman authors from the 2nd century A.D.

Aemil­ius Asper, lived per­haps dur­ing the 2nd cen­tu­ry A.D. 

Aemil­ius Asper was a gram­mar­i­an who wrote com­men­taries on the works of Ter­en­tius, Sal­lustius, and Vergilius. Frag­ments remain from his com­men­taries on Vergilius. 

Mar­cus Juni­anus Justi­nus Fron­ti­nus, per­haps 2nd cen­tu­ry A.D. 

Justi­nus Fron­ti­nus, also known sim­ply as Justin, was a Roman author who wrote an epit­o­me, i.e. a sort of sum­ma­ry, of Pom­peius Tro­gus’ (1st cent. B.C.) Liber His­to­ri­arum Philippicarum.

Flav­ius Caper, lived dur­ing the 2nd cen­tu­ry A.D. 

Caper was a Roman gram­mar­i­an who wrote two now lost works: De Lin­gua Lati­na and De Dubi­is Gener­ibus. There are two short trea­tis­es writ­ten under the name of Caper that might be excerpts from these works.

Gra­nius Licini­anus, per­haps con­tem­po­rary of Emper­or Hadri­anus (reign 117–138 A.D.)

Gra­nius Licini­anus was a Roman author who wrote a 36 book epit­o­me of Roman his­to­ry as well as an ency­clo­pe­dic work called Cenae Suae. A few frag­ments remain of the epitome’s book 26, 28, 33, 35, and 36 as a palimpsest. 

Calpurnius Flac­cus, con­tem­po­rary of Emper­or Hadri­anus (reign 117–138 A.D.) 

Flac­cus was a Roman rhetori­cian who wrote 51 decla­ma­tions or con­tro­ver­si­ae, i.e. fic­ti­tious mod­el court speech­es used in edu­ca­tion. The decla­ma­tions are extant. 

Mar­cus Cor­nelius Fron­to, c. 100‑c.170 A.D.

Fron­to was a lawyer, ora­tor, and rhetori­cian orig­i­nal­ly from Cir­ta, the Numid­i­an cap­i­tal (mod­ern Con­stan­tine, Alge­ria), but was edu­cat­ed in Rome. He was the tutor of the future Emper­ors Mar­cus Aure­lius and Lucius Verus and left let­ters from his cor­re­spon­dence with them for his­to­ry to read. 

Aulus Gel­lius, c. 125/128–180 A.D. 

Aulus Gel­lius was a Roman gram­mar­i­an and author whose only pre­served work, Noctes Atti­cae, is a col­lec­tion of things he deemed valu­able or inter­est­ing. It includes notes on gram­mar, his­to­ry, poet­ry, phi­los­o­phy, and more, and it pre­serves many frag­ments from ear­li­er Roman authors whose works have oth­er­wise been lost. Of Aulus Gel­lius’ life, we know very lit­tle only that he was prob­a­bly brought up in Rome and lived in Athens for a peri­od in his life. 

Lucius Apuleius Madau­ren­sis, c. 124‑c.190? A.D. 

Apuleius, from Madau­ros, (mod­ern M’Daourouch, Alge­ria), was a writer of speech­es, lec­tures, trea­tis­es, and poet­ry. He is most famous for his nov­el Meta­mor­phoses or the Gold­en ass about a cer­tain Lucius who is turned into a don­key. This work is the only Latin nov­el to have sur­vived his­to­ry in its entirety.

Quin­tus Serenus Sam­mon­i­cus, ?-212 A.D.

Serenus Sam­mon­i­cus was a Roman physi­cian and author. He is famous for his med­ical poem in 1115 hexa­m­e­ters that sur­vives to this day called Liber Medi­cialis or De Med­i­c­i­na prae­cep­ta salu­ber­ri­ma con­tain­ing reme­dies and mag­ic incan­ta­tions (such as the famous ”abra­cadabra”). Sam­mon­i­cus also authored a work called Res recon­di­tae that remains frag­ment­ed as quo­ta­tions with oth­er authors. 

Quin­tus Sep­ti­mus Flo­rens Ter­tul­lianus, 150/170–220/240 A.D. 

Ter­tul­lianus, com­mon­ly known in Eng­lish as Ter­tul­lian, was an ear­ly Chris­t­ian author and the­olo­gian. He was the first Chris­t­ian author to write exten­sive works in Latin and is most famous for his apolo­getic work, Apolo­geti­cus

Hosid­ius Geta, con­tem­po­rary of Ter­tul­lianus (150/170–220/240 A.D.)

Hosid­ius Geta – not to be con­fused with the Roman sen­a­tor Gnaeus Hosid­ius Geta – was a Roman play­wright famous for his tragedy Medea con­struct­ed out of lines and half-lines from Vergilius’ works. 

Lucius Mar­ius Max­imus Per­petu­us Aure­lianus, c.160‑c.230 A.D. 

Lucius Mar­ius Max­imus Per­petu­us Aure­lianus, also known as sim­ply Mar­ius Max­imus, was a Roman biog­ra­ph­er who wrote a con­tin­u­a­tion of Sue­to­nius’ De Vita Cae­sarum. The work is lost but sup­pos­ed­ly cov­ered the Emper­ors from Ner­va (reign 30–98 A.D) to Elagabalus/ Mar­cus Aure­lius Anton­i­nus Augus­tus (reign 218–222 A.D). 

Vib­ia Per­pet­ua, c. 181/2–203 A.D. 

Vib­ia Per­pet­ua was a noble­woman from Carthage who suf­fered mar­tyr­dom at the games held in cel­e­bra­tion of Emper­or Sep­ti­mus Severus’ (reign 193–211 A.D.) birth­day in 203 A.D. Dur­ing her impris­on­ment, she kept a jour­nal, known as Pas­sio sanc­tarum Per­pet­u­ae et Felic­i­tatis, which was com­plet­ed posthu­mous­ly by an edi­tor and pub­lished.

Sex­tus Pom­peius Fes­tus, flour­ished late 2nd cen­tu­ry A.D. 

Sex­tus Pom­peius Fes­tus, com­mon­ly referred to as Fes­tus, was a gram­mar­i­an who wrote a sum­ma­ry, an epit­o­me, of Mar­cus Ver­rius Flac­cus’ (55 B.C.-20 A.D.) enor­mous work De Ver­bo­rum Sig­ni­fi­ca­tione, with his own addi­tions. One man­u­script, an 11th-cen­tu­ry copy, sur­vives but in bad shape. Fes­tus also wrote a work called Prisco­rum ver­bo­rum cum exem­plis, which is sad­ly lost. 

Mar­cus Min­u­cius Felix, late 2nd-ear­ly 3rd 

Min­u­cius Felix was per­haps the author of the work Octavius – a dia­logue writ­ten as a debate between a Chris­t­ian and a Pagan. 

Pom­po­nius Por­phyri­on, per­haps active dur­ing the 2nd cen­tu­ry or ear­ly 3rd cen­tu­ry A.D. 

Pom­po­nius was a Roman gram­mar­i­an who wrote rhetor­i­cal and gram­mat­i­cal com­men­taries on Hor­atius. His work has sur­vived through copies. 

Roman Authors Of The 3rd Century A.D. (200–299 A.D.)

Roman authors from the 3rd century A.D.

Hele­nius Acron, prob­a­bly lived dur­ing the 3rd cen­tu­ry A.D. 

Hele­nius Acron was a Roman gram­mar­i­an who wrote com­men­taries on Ter­en­tius, Hor­atius, and per­haps Per­sius. Only frag­ments survive. 

Aquila Romanus, per­haps active dur­ing the 3rd cen­tu­ry A.D. 

Aquila Romanus was a gram­mar­i­an who wrote the rhetor­i­cal trea­tise De fig­uris sen­ten­tiarum et elocutionis.

Cen­sor­i­nus, lived dur­ing the 3rd cen­tu­ry A.D. 

Cen­sor­i­nus was a Roman gram­mar­i­an and author most famous for his sur­viv­ing trea­tise De Die Natali, writ­ten as a birth­day gift to his patron Quin­tus Caerel­lius. He also wrote a work called De Accen­tibus; this how­ev­er is lost to us. 

Cor­nelius Labeo, might have lived dur­ing the 3rd cen­tu­ry A.D.

Labeo was a the­olo­gian who wrote about Roman-Etr­uscan reli­gion. Only frag­ments survive. 

Gaius Julius Soli­nus, active dur­ing the ear­ly-mid 3rd cen­tu­ry A.D. 

Soli­nus was a Roman gram­mar­i­an and author of Col­lectanea rerum mem­o­ra­bil­i­um, also known as De mirabilibus mun­di or Poly­his­tor that used Plin­ius’ His­to­ri­ae Nat­u­ralis and Pom­po­nius Mela’s De situ orbis as a foun­da­tion. The work is a col­lec­tion of curiosities. 

Thas­cius Cae­cil­ius Cypri­anus, c. 200–258 A.D.

Thas­cius Cae­cil­ius Cypri­anus, known sim­ply as Cypri­anus, Cypri­an or St. Cypri­an, was a Church Father, bish­op of Carthage, saint, and Chris­t­ian writer from North Africa. Cypri­anus wrote sev­er­al Chris­t­ian works such as Ad Dona­tum, Tes­ti­mo­nia ad Quir­inum, De Lap­sis, and his per­haps most famous work, the trea­tise De Eccle­si­ae Catholi­cae Unitate.

Pon­tius of Carthage, con­tem­po­rary with Saint Cypri­an (c. 200–258 A.D.) 

Pon­tius of Carthage, also known as Pon­tius the Dea­con, was a dea­con serv­ing under the bish­op of Carthage, i.e. Cyprianus/Saint Cypri­an. After Cypri­anus’ mar­tyr­dom, he wrote Vita Cypri­ani – Life of Cyprianus. 

Nova­t­ian, c. 200–258 A.D. 

Nova­t­ian, or Nova­tus, was a the­olo­gian and antipope (i.e. some­one who attempts the posi­tion of Pope and leader of the Catholic church despite there already being a law­ful pope) whose most impor­tant work is called De trini­tate, which is extant. He also wrote De cibis Judaicis about food and pro­hi­bi­tions of the Old tes­ta­ment, De spec­ta­c­ulis about pub­lic games, and De bono pud­ci­ti­ae about chastity. 

Com­modi­anus, flour­ished c.250 A.D 

Com­modi­anus, in Eng­lish, referred to as Com­modi­an, was a Chris­t­ian poet and author of two poet­ic works writ­ten in hexa­m­e­ter that still sur­vive to this day; Instruc­tiones and Car­men apologeticum.

Lucius Caelius Fir­mi­anus Lac­tan­tius, c.250‑c.325 A.D. 

Lac­tan­tius was a Church Father and Chris­t­ian writer known for his Ciceron­ian style. His most impor­tant work, Divini­ae Insti­tu­tiones, is the first sys­tem­at­ic pre­sen­ta­tion of Chris­t­ian belief and thought. 

Acholius, con­tem­po­rary of Emper­or Vale­ri­anus (reign 253–260 A.D.)

Acholius was a Roman his­to­ri­an and biog­ra­ph­er work­ing under Emper­or Vale­ri­anus. He sup­pos­ed­ly wrote a work called Acta in at least 9 books. He also, accord­ing to His­to­ria Augus­ta, wrote the life of Emper­or Severus Alexan­der (reign 222–235 A.D.). Noth­ing of his remains.

Mar­cus Aure­lius Olympius Neme­sianus, active in the 280’s A.D. 

Neme­sianus was a Roman poet pop­u­lar at the court of Emper­or Carus (reign 282–283 A.D.) who wrote poems on fish­ing, aquat­ics, bird catch­ing, and hunt­ing. Only frag­ments remain from the two lat­ter works. He also wrote four eclogues that were pre­vi­ous­ly thought to have been writ­ten by the bucol­ic poet Titus Calpurnius Siculus. 

Vic­tor­i­nus Petavio­nen­sis, ?-304/304 A.D. 

Vic­tor­i­nus Petavio­nen­sis, more com­mon­ly known as Saint Vic­tor­i­nus of Pet­tau, was an ear­ly Chris­t­ian writer and the bish­op of Poe­t­ovio (mod­ern Ptju, Slove­nia). Saint Vic­tror­i­nus wrote com­men­taries on sev­er­al parts of the Bible, though only his com­men­tary on the Apoc­a­lypse has sur­vived. He also wrote a short work called De fab­ri­ca mun­di that is also extant. 

Arnobius Afer ? — 330 A.D.

Arnobius Afer, also known as Arnobius of Sic­ca or Arnobius the Elder, was an ear­ly Chris­t­ian apol­o­gist and a rhetori­cian. Afer wrote an apolo­getic work in sev­en books called Adver­sus nationes or Adver­sus Gentes. The work has come down to us through a 9th-cen­tu­ry manuscript.

Mar­ius Plotius Sac­er­dos, active dur­ing the end of the 3rd cen­tu­ry A.D. 

Plotius Sac­er­dos was a Roman gram­mar­i­an famous for his Ars Gram­mat­i­ca in three books.

Api­cius, per­haps late 3rd cen­tu­ry A.D.

Api­cius is the name com­mon­ly used when refer­ring to the author of the Roman cook­book De Re Coquinar­ia. How­ev­er, who actu­al­ly wrote the cook­book is not known. The rea­son the name Api­cius is used is because one of the two remain­ing man­u­scripts is head­ed with the words API CAE. Some of the recipes are also attrib­uted to one Api­cius. The book might be ded­i­cat­ed to Api­cius, not writ­ten by him. There have also been sev­er­al Apicii in Roman times, and who the right Api­cius is not known. Some dish­es in the cook­book are named after Roman celebri­ties, plac­ing the book’s cre­ation per­haps in the late 3rd cen­tu­ry. It might be, though, that these recipes have been added to an old­er cook­book. We sim­ply do not know. 

Roman Authors Of The 4th Century A.D. (300–399 A.D.)

Aemil­ius Mag­nus Arbo­rius, con­tem­po­rary of Con­stan­tine the Great (reign 306–337 A.D.)

Arbo­rius was a poet and pro­fes­sor of rhetoric in Tolosa, Gaul (mod­ern Toulouse, France). He is famous for his poem in ele­giac verse called Ad Nympham nimis cul­tam and for being the uncle of the poet Auso­nius (see fur­ther down in the list).

Gaius Vet­tius Aquil­i­nus Juven­cus, active dur­ing the reign of Con­stan­tine the Great (reign 306–337 A.D.)

Juven­cus was a priest and a poet from Spain famous for his poem Evan­ge­lio­rum lib­ri, a his­to­ry of Christ writ­ten in dactylic hexa­m­e­ter. What we know about Juven­cus comes sole­ly from St Jerome’s work De Viris Illus­tribus in which we are also told that Juven­cus wrote a sec­ond poem, Sacra­men­to­rum ordinem. This is now lost. 

Publil­ius Opta­tianus Por­fir­ius, con­tem­po­rary of Con­stan­tine the Great (reign 306–337 A.D.)

Opta­tianus was a poet famous for writ­ing a pan­e­gyric, i.e. a pub­lic speech or verse high praise of some­one (or some­thing), to Emper­or Con­stan­tine the Great. Twen­ty-eight poems of his sur­vive to this day.

Julius Fir­mi­cus Mater­nus Junior, con­tem­po­rary of Con­stan­tine the Great (reign 306–337 A.D.) and Con­stan­ti­nus II (reign 337–361 A.D.) 

Fir­mi­cus was a writer, an advo­cate, an astrologer, and an apol­o­gist from Sici­ly. He wrote a work about the error of pro­fane reli­gions, De errore pro­fa­narum reli­gion­um, that is still extant. Fir­mi­cus is most famous for being the author of Math­e­seos lib­ri octo – eight books of astrol­o­gy – which is the most exten­sive text of Roman astrol­o­gy that has sur­vived his­to­ry. This work led to the nam­ing of a lunar crater after him. 

Gaius Mar­ius Vic­tor­i­nus, con­tem­po­rary of Con­stan­ti­nus II (reign 324–337)

Gaius Mar­ius Vic­tor­i­nus, also known as Vic­tor­i­nus Afer, was a gram­mar­i­an, philoso­pher, and rhetori­cian who wrote works on gram­mar, rhetoric, and the­ol­o­gy. He also trans­lat­ed Pla­ton­ist authors as well as a few works of Aristotle’s from Greek to Latin. 

Pope Dama­sus I, 305–384 A.D. 

Pope Dama­sus, bish­op of Rome from 366 to 384 A.D., was born in Rome and famous for encour­ag­ing Saint Jerome (see fur­ther down the list) in the trans­lat­ing of the Bible. He also wrote let­ters as well as Latin verse. Six­ty-sev­en of his epi­graph­ic poems are extant.

Fal­to­nia Beti­tia Pro­ba, c. 306/315‑c.353/366

Pro­ba was a Roman Chris­t­ian poet who came from an aris­to­crat­ic fam­i­ly – her father was a con­sul. She was born a pagan but con­vert­ed to Chris­tian­i­ty. Two works have been attrib­uted to Pro­ba; the now lost poem Con­stan­ti­ni bel­lum adver­sus Mag­nen­tium about the war between Emper­or Con­stan­ti­nus II and Mag­nen­tius; the still extant cen­to about the life of Jesus called Cen­to Vergilianus de laudibus Christi. A “cen­to” is a poem com­posed of vers­es or pas­sages tak­en from oth­er authors, in Proba’s case Vergilius.

Dec­imus Mag­nus Auso­nius, c. 310–395 A.D.

Auso­nius was a Roman poet and teacher of rhetoric from mod­ern Bor­deaux, France. He was the tutor of future Emper­or Gra­t­ian and lat­er con­sul. Auso­nius is most famous for his poems Mosel­la and Ephemeris.

Aure­lius Vic­tor, c. 320‑c. 390 A.D. 

Aure­lius Vic­tor was a gov­er­nor, a pre­fect, and a his­to­ri­an famous for his work De Cae­saribus deal­ing with Emper­ors from Augus­tus to Con­stan­ti­nus II. Three oth­er his­tor­i­cal works have been ascribed to him; Ori­go Gen­tis Romanae, De Viris Illus­tribus Romae, Epit­o­me de Cae­saribus. The four works are usu­al­ly pub­lished togeth­er under the name His­to­ria Romana. They are still extant. 

Ammi­anus Mar­celli­nus, c. 330‑c. 395 A.D. 

Ammi­anus was a Greek/Roman sol­dier under Con­stan­ti­nus II and Julianus. He is famous for writ­ing the work Res Ges­tae, a his­to­ry of Rome from Ner­va in 96 A.D to the Bat­tle of Adri­anople in 378 A.D. Only the part about the years 353–378 A.D. survive. 

Aure­lius Ambro­sius, c. 340–397 A.D. 

Aure­lius Ambro­sius, known in Eng­lish as Ambrose, was the Arch­bish­op of Milan and author of a wide vari­ety of Chris­t­ian writ­ings such as eth­i­cal works, com­men­taries on the Old Tes­ta­ment, trea­tis­es on faith, the Holy Ghost, the Sacra­ment of the Incar­na­tion of the Lord, the Mys­ter­ies, etc. He also wrote let­ters, ser­mons (only frag­ments remain of these), and a col­lec­tion of hymns.

Quin­tus Aure­lius Sym­machus, c. 345–402 A.D. 

Sym­machus was a Roman con­sul, ora­tor, and let­ter writer. He is viewed as one of the most impor­tant and most skill­ful Roman ora­tors. Sym­machus was pagan in a time when Rome turned all the more Chris­t­ian. Many of his let­ters sur­vive, a col­lec­tion of offi­cial dis­patch­es as well as frag­ments of his orations. 

Euse­bius Sophro­nius Hierony­mus, c. 347–420 A.D. 

Hierony­mus, also known as Saint Jerome, was a priest, a the­olo­gian, a sec­re­tary to Pope Dama­sus I, and a his­to­ri­an most famous for trans­lat­ing the Bible into Latin (known as the Vul­gate). Jerome also wrote com­men­taries on the gospels, hagio­graph­ic works, let­ters, a work called De viris illus­tribus con­tain­ing notes on 135 Chris­t­ian authors, and more. 

Aure­lius Pru­den­tius Clemens, 348-after 405 A.D. 

Pru­den­tius was a Chris­t­ian poet, jurist, and gov­er­nor from north­ern Spain. He is most famous for his Psy­chomachia, an alle­gor­i­cal poem about the strug­gles of faith. Pru­den­tius also wrote lyric poet­ry and hymns – some of which are still in use today, at least in their reworked, trans­lat­ed, forms. 

Augusti­nus, 354–430 A.D. 

Augusti­nus, in Eng­lish com­mon­ly known as Saint Augus­tine of Hip­po, or sim­ply Augus­tine, was a Chris­t­ian the­olo­gian, bish­op, and Neo­pla­ton­ic philoso­pher from mod­ern-day Alge­ria. He is most famous for his works De Civ­i­tate Dei con­tra paganos (The City of God) and Con­fes­siones

Flav­ius Eutropius, flour­ished c. 360 A.D. 

Eutropius was a his­to­ri­an and the impe­r­i­al sec­re­tary in Con­stan­tino­ple. He wrote a sum­ma­ry of Roman his­to­ry span­ning from the foun­da­tion of Rome to the acces­sion of Emper­or Valens (reign 364–375 A.D.) called Bre­viar­i­um His­to­ri­ae Romanae.

Sulpi­cius Alexan­der, flour­ished per­haps dur­ing the late 4th century 

Sulpi­cius Alexan­der was a his­to­ri­an of Ger­man­ic tribes. His work, His­to­ria, is lost but was quot­ed and excerpt­ed by Gre­go­ry of Tours (c. 538–594 A.D.)

Severus Sanc­tus End­elechius, prob­a­bly active dur­ing the end of the 4th cent. 

End­elechius was a rhetori­cian and poet famous for his poem on the death of cat­tle called De Mort­ibus Bovum in 33 stro­phes that is still extant. 

Roman Authors Of Unknown Date

Cruquianus, as ear­li­est a con­tem­po­rary of Hor­atius (65–8 B.C.) but no more than that is certain.

Cruquianus, also known as Com­men­ta­tor Cruquianus, was an anony­mous writer who wrote com­ments on Hor­atius. His real name is not known. 

Fabius Dorsennus/Dossennus, before 23/24–79 A.D. 

Dors­en­nus, or Dossen­nus, was a writer of Atel­lan farces, i.e. a cer­tain kind of masked com­e­dy. Lit­tle is known about him save that he wrote a play called Acharis­tio and that he pre­dates Plin­ius Maior (c. 23/24–79 A.D.). Plin­ius also men­tioned him in his His­to­ri­ae Nat­u­ralis, 14.15. Dors­en­nus is also men­tioned by Hor­atius (65–8 B.C.), though it has been debat­ed whether or not it is actu­al­ly Fabius Dors­en­nus that Hor­atius refers to or to the stock char­ac­ter called Dossen­nus used in Atel­lan farces.

(You can read more about this, if you’re curi­ous, in The Satires and Epis­tles of Horace: With Notes and Excur­sus, by Thomas Keight­ley, p. 327)

Ter­en­tianus Mau­rus, lived some­time between 150 and 350 A.D.? 

Ter­en­tianus was a gram­mar­i­an from North Africa who wrote a trea­tise called De lit­teris, syl­labis, ped­ibus et metris on let­ters, syl­la­bles, feet, and meters. The work was redis­cov­ered in 1493 and is incom­plete although almost 3000 vers­es remain, most of them in hexameter. 

Titus Calpurnius Sicu­lus, it has been argued that Titus Calpurnius lived after Vir­gil (70–19 B.C.), dur­ing the reign of Nero (54–68 A.D.), the reign of Severus (193–211 A.D.), and the reign of Carus (282–283 A.D). 

Titus Calpurnius was a Roman poet who wrote pas­toral poems. Eleven eclogues sur­vive under his name, though four of those are now usu­al­ly attrib­uted to a poet called Neme­sianus (see above, list of 3rd cen­tu­ry A.D.).

Amelie Rosengren

Amelie Rosengren

Amelie Rosengren, M.A. and co-founder of Latinitium, is a published author, illustrator and historian. She specializes in daily life, has a soft spot for historic curiosities, and works as a museum educator at the world’s oldest open air museum, Skansen.
Written by Amelie Rosengren

Written by Amelie Rosengren

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