
These are some of the apps, web­sites, and oth­er things that I have used or use in my research and teaching.

For more resources, see also: rec­om­mend­ed books for begin­ners and inter­me­di­ate learn­ers. If you want to see what I have in my library (edi­tions, styl­is­tics, etc.) go here.


Here are some apps that I’ve used to learn Latin, and orga­nize my read­ing and writing.

Flashcards deluxe

Flash­cards is one of the best ways to learn vocab­u­lary and phras­es. This app spaces out the rep­e­ti­tion to ensure max­i­mum reten­tion of vocab­u­lary. I used this app to learn hun­dreds of phras­es which I still know instic­tive­ly today. This is espe­cial­ly use­ful for Latin, where cer­tain words and phras­es might only occur a few times in clas­si­cal literature.

Logeion Dictionary

This is my go-to app dic­tio­nary as it has not only Lewis & Short, but also oth­er dic­tio­nar­ies rolled into one. The web­site ver­sion is how­ev­er much bet­ter with many more dictionaries.


We use Notion to orga­nize all our work from aca­d­e­m­ic research and video record­ing, to writ­ing easy sto­ries. The app is very flex­i­ble and can be adapt­ed to the needs of the user. I’ve built data­bas­es with expres­sions and words that I find inter­est­ing. It’s a great way to keep track of every­thing you read and excerpt.

Things 3

With­out this todo-list app we would not be able to keep track and work on all of our Latini­tium projects. Use it to remem­ber to read or lis­ten to Latin every day. I always love check­ing things off a list. Valde placet.


Thanks to mod­ern tech­nol­o­gy, we can now have access to a vast num­ber of books which were before only avail­able in cer­tain libraries.


Google Books
Google has scanned count­less Latin books which are freely avail­able for download.
Large over­lap with Google books but some works are only avail­able on

Euro­peana Col­lec­tions
Large col­lec­tion of dig­i­tized Euro­pean art­work and old­er books.


Bib­lio­the­ca Augus­tana
Dig­i­tal ver­sions of most­ly medieval and renais­sance Latin authors.

Lacus Cur­tius
Dig­i­tal ver­sions of less com­mon­ly read authors such as Api­cius, Vit­ru­vius, Quin­tus Cur­tius and many more.

Dick­in­son Col­lege Com­men­taries
Latin and Greek texts, with notes, vocab­u­lary, and more.

The Latin Library
Dig­i­tal ver­sions of most major clas­si­cal Latin authors.


Packard Human­i­ties Insti­tute (PHI)
Search for sin­gle words or com­bi­na­tions of words in the clas­si­cal Latin literature.

Cor­pus cor­po­rum
Search through clas­si­cal as well as lat­er Latin literature.


For­cellini’s Lex­i­con totius latini­tatis
A search­able ver­sion of the best Latin-Latin dic­tio­nary out there. It Gives Detailed expla­na­tions of def­i­n­i­tions of words with examples.

Wag­n­er’s Lex­i­con Lat­inum Wag­n­er’s Lex­i­con Lat­inum is a clas­sic with not only syn­onyms but also exam­ples of usages. All in Latin.

Lewis & Short
A new and improved dig­i­tal ver­sion of the clas­sic Latin-Eng­lish dic­tio­nary. Regard­ing vow­el quan­ti­ty in Lewis & Short, beware that there are quite a num­ber of errors. It is high­ly rec­om­mend­ed to use the more mod­ern Oxford Latin Dic­tio­nary instead.

DuCange’s Glos­sar­i­um medi­ae et infi­mae latini­tatis
A dig­i­tal dic­tio­nary of medieval Latin.


I usu­al­ly write on a com­put­er, but when I real­ly enjoy a text, I place it in an old-style note­book. It makes read­ing and re-read­ing the text much more enjoy­able. I pre­fer the Paperblanks books, which have cov­ers based on actu­al his­tor­i­cal books.